Monday, December 2, 2013

Against Forced and Prematured Marriages!

Women's Rights

In the North of Cameroon, 'forced and prematured marriages' is an outgrowing plague.
In that traditionalist and conservative region of Cameroon, women and mostly young ones are victims of forced and prematured marriages. On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against women celebrated on November 25th, Several NGOs stood together in order to raise awareness about this plague.

In the Far North region of Cameroon, young girls get married before they are even 15, minimum legal age according to the Cameroonian civil code. Consequently, they suffer all kinds of violence, be it psychological or physical. Most of the time, they are raped and physically assaulted by their spouses. Why? They do not want to be sexually involved with them. That often results in unwanted pregnancies. The majority of those girls were 'sold' to men by their parents in exchange for dowry.

AVLF, Association of Elimination of Violations against Women, is amongst the numerous NGOs that advocate for women's rights and fight against violence against women. It was created 15 years ago in Garoua, the capital of the North Region of Cameroon. The organization assists women who are victims of or vanquished forced marriages. As one of the social workers of the association explains, those women are victims of physical, psychologicam and economic violence.'' She adds that some of them often think of committing suicide, for they were miserable in their marriage. 
Similarly, the NGO called Service Civil pour la Paix regularly organizes workshops in the Far North region in order to educate women about their rights and ways to avoid violations of all kinds. 


Discussion: What is your take on this? Would you link this plague of forced marriage to the traditionalist system of the Far North region of Cameroon?


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