Monday, December 2, 2013

Say No to Homosexuality!

Croatian supporters of a conservative group calling for a referendum to rule out same-sex marriages take part in a march to Croatia's parliament, in Zagreb, on June 14, 2013, to hand over a petition signed by one-fifth of the EU-bound country's electorate. The petition calls for a referendum on whether to introduce a constitutional clause defining marriage as a "union of a woman and a man". AFP PHOTO / STR ***CROATIA OUT***Conservateurs croates appelant à l'organisation d'un référendum pour interdire les mariages homosexuels, le 14 juin 2013 à Zagreb
Source:  ''AFP PHOTO / STR ***CROATIA OUT***Croatian Conservatives marching and calling for a referendum to rule-out same-sex marriages, on June 14th, 2013 in Zagreb.''


A call for a referendum to rule out same-sex marriages opposes Croatians.

Supported by the Catholic Church, anti-homosexuality groups call for a referendum. This coming friday, the parliament is holding a vote to decide whether or not the referendum is going to happen. The AFP reports that the conservative group ''Au Nom de La Famille'' initiated the vote, as it gathered 700.000 signatures from citizens advocating for the definition of marriage as ''the union between a man and a woman.''

In fact, the Croatian constitution does not incorporate any definition for the institution of marriage.

With a population of 4.2 million, that Balkan state almost exclusively suscribes to Catholicism. Nearly 90 % of the population is Catholic.

According to the AFP, if the  majority votes for the referendum, the ballot will be taken on December 1st.

LGBT groups believe that the referendum will be ''discriminatory'' and infrindge on their freedom.

On the other hand, in 2003, Croatia granted to homosexuals the same rights as cohabiting homosexuals. Further, Gay Pride manifestations are organized every year, since the first procession that took place in Zagreb in 2002.

Conservatives are scared that the constitution will give too many rights to homosexuals.

A recent survey reveals that 54 % of the population is for the referendum, meanwhile 30% is against.

Sources: AFP,

Discussion: Does homosexuality have a bright future in Croatia or in other parts of the World that still refuse it? Think about Africa where most countries criminalize and punish homosexuality. Is it fair to associate religion and homosexuality?


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